The prevalence of Autism has increased over the years. Today, one in 88 children are diagnosed with Autism, including one in 54 boys. These statistics have increased 78% since 2002 and 23% since 2006. Since this disorder is becoming more widespread, it is important that parents, teachers and students are informed about the disorder so the child can get the most out of his/her education. Many families affected by autism are unaware of how to deal with the situation so hopefully this website will give families information on how the can work with their child and also give them places to go in order to speak to others who are affected by the disorder. In our group, Carly is hoping to become an occupational therapist and specialize in children with autism because of her interest in children with autism. Eliza has a younger brother who is diagnosed with autism and has seen him grow up with the disorder. She has seen how his disorder has affected their family as well as how the community, his therapists and his parents and family have had a positive impact on him throughout the years! Mina, Anna and Alex all want to be classroom teachers where coming in contact with an autistic child is probable. Since autism is a growing disorder, it is important that all of us have some background regarding the disorder, especially those going into the realm of education.
Website Designed by:
Alex Alfaro, Carly Hill, Mina Trigonis, Eliza O'Hare, Anna Keegan